Book | Chermayeff, Sam et al. Creatures. Barcelona: Apartamento, 2023 | |
Essay | Aureli, Pier Vittorio; Tattara, Martino. Production/Reproduction: Housing beyond the Family. Harvard Design Mag No.41, 2015. | link |
Essay | Aureli, Pier Vittorio; Ma, Leonard; Michelotto, Mariapola; Tattara, Martino; Toivonen, Tuomas. Promised Land: Housing from Commodification to Cooperation. E-flux Architecture, 2019. | link |
Essay | Aureli, Pier Vittorio. Familiar Horror: Toward a Critique of Domestic Space. Log No.38. Anyone Corporation, 2016. | link |
Book | Chermayeff, Sam et al. Creatures. Barcelona: Apartamento, 2023 | |
Book | Eberle, Dietmar, Schmid, Susanne, and Hugentobler, Margrit. A History of Collective Living. Basel/ Berlin/Boston: Birkhauser Verlag GmbH, 2019. | |
Essay | Douglas, Mary. The Idea of a Home: A Kind of Space. Social Research 58, no. 1 (1991): 287-307. | link |
Essay | Evans, Robin. Figures, Doors and Passages (1978). In Translations from Drawing to Building and Other Essays. MIT Press, 1997. Pag. 55. | link |
Book | Federici, Silvia. Caliban and the Witch. Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation. Paperback, 2004. | |
Book | Federici, Silvia. Revolution at Point Zero. Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle. PM Press, 2020. | |
Essay | Gresleri, Jacopo. No More Cohousing, but Still Cohousing. UnbanNext, 2019. | link |
Book | Habermas, J. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. The MIT Press, 1989. | |
Book | Habraken, John. Supports. An alternative to mass housing. 1972 | |
Book | Heynen, H.; Baydar, G. (eds.) Negotiating Domesticity: Spatial Productions of Gender in Modern Architecture. Routledge, 2005. | |
Book | Jacob, Sam. A Space for a Blended Family. In A Section of Now. Social Norms and Rituals as Sites for Architectural Intervention. Canadian Center for Architecture. Spector Books, 2021. | |
Book | Maak, Niklas. Living Complex: From Zombie City to the New Communal. HIRMER, 2015. | |
Essay | Maak, Niklas. Post-Familial Communes in Germany. Harvard Design Mag No.41, 2015. | link |
Book | Maas, Winy/ The Why Factory. The Vertical Village. NAi Uitgevers, 2012. | |
Essay | Parga, Marcos. Meet Your Neighbors (Again). UrbanNext, 2021. | link |
Essay | Puigjaner, Anna. Towards a Diffuse House. E-flux Architecture, 2020. | link |